Sunday, March 4, 2012

Why Homework is Assigned on the Weekends

Did you get your homework done this weekend?

This is a question that many teachers ask of students when they return on Monday Morning as they resume their education after a weekend off. Talk about a real conversation killer, as while many students dutifully have completed their homework, others have neglected to do it.

Teachers ask then why and there is no real adequate response. It was just that the work was not completed for any number of reasons. Because without the threat of school the next day, any thoughts of education and homework are out of sight and out of mind.

Why teachers feel the need to assign homework over the weekend

If you are a student reading this, you are going to answer this question with something like to make us miserable or something along those lines. Which there are all sorts of teachers, as you will find out during your education. And some of them are rather not going to be the most pleasant of people out there. They delight in making their students squirm as they assign that weekend homework.

Yet for many teachers, their hands are mostly tied. They are required to assign a certain amount of homework assigns to complete the education mandates brought down by administrators. Of course, students care nothing for politics what goes on behind the scenes. Because the student life has its own unique set of politics.

Also teachers feel the need to see how serious their students are about their education. The homework is given out, in the middle all of the groans given by frustrated students. And it kind of does become problematic when you are at a high school level when the class load gets much higher and six different teachers are unlikely to coordinate to make sure they don't make their students suffer.

Homework is just something that is a part of the school week and sadly the weekend. Just a part of getting an education boys and girls. The teachers that assigned it hated it just as much as you did. Yeah I know, its hard to imagine your teachers as children, but work with me here. It is a test  of your ability as a student. And how serious you are. Granted holes gets hot through that theory when people do honestly forget but many who abstain from doing their homework may not do so to begin with.

Homework, a part of education, but one that can be frustrating. But just imagine the frustration of the teachers as they grade what passes for effort.

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