Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sports Drinks Debate in School

One of the biggest hot button topics in the world in 2012 is the dietary actions of children. Of course, why it took people until 2012 to realize some kind of issue was present, that is up for debate. Regardless, many instances exist where people are standing up. One of the drinks people will heavily debate on is sports drinks. Sports drinks do have a great amount of sugar in them and can be a health concern for sure. Are they completely bad?

Sports Drinks Debated in Schools

Well, a particular question should be hinged on the particular sports drink. The problem with anything, is the problem does not come from use but rather overuse. There are some nasty sports drinks if you really get to look at them. Moderately healthy sports drinks do in fact exist, but overindulgence is the key.

In many ways, even the healthiest of foods can have problems if a person eats them too often. The body can go through strange changes with anything. Back to the matter at hand, as sports drinks present a potential problem. The nexus of this problem is in the United States Educational system. Where the government is trying to interfere in?

Here is the problem about government intervention in schools. Intervention by the government really is something that can go rather bad, rather quickly. The sports drinks and sugary snacks debate is an interesting one. Schools make plenty of money and this little health initiative is going to do more harm than good.

There is a point where schools should not make these elements easily accessible. However, given the strained budgets, one could draw a reason why schools would allow such a thing. The high amount of sugar is something that has caused alarm bells but the alarm bells are too late and damage has been done.

Then again, one could argue how much the government truly cares about us. Or if this is just another publicity stunt.

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