Sunday, August 12, 2012

Five Important Qualities of Students

For years, it has been debated what are the perfect qualities for students. This debate has been harshly contested. No two students have the same style of studying. Yet, two different classmates could use different methods and excel in similar ways. On the surface, there are differences. Yet, qualities exist within pupils which will acquire the best grades.

If you are a student, do you have these essential qualities? If you are a teacher, do you notice some of these qualities. If anyone reading this has children in school, do you see any of these things within your children? Any one of those things will give one a leg up on their studies. To have five of them is something that is next to amazing.

Not relying completely on the course materials is the first quality of successful students. We all know the text books are going to be important. Education can only be scrapped at its surface in the classroom. Especially, these days where there is an entire world wide web worth of information at the disposal of students. Of course, that fact might not be the best thing. Still, the ability to do research beyond the assigned materials is admirable for the student.

Students must expect the unexpected. It never fails, no matter what we think we know, we don't know everything. An assignment is bound to throw some curve balls right at us. If a student has one of those teachers who hands out surprise pop quizzes, they know what is at stake. Adaptation is an essential quality for each and every member of the classroom.

To know our own strengths and weaknesses is an admirable thing. A contrast exists where many humans can find the faults of others. Yet, they have a hard time finding their weaknesses and their strengths. In the realm of education, understanding what we are good at is essential. If those facts are understood, we can add accomplishments and lead to obtaining our degrees.

It is safe to say that we are not going to get along with everyone. That fact is true in the schools, in the work place, or just anywhere in real life. The ability to coexist with people we want to physically harm is an admirable quality for us all. We do not have to like everyone. Yet, respect can go a rather long way to us achieving much and it is a good trait to have as a student.

Time management might seem old hat by now and everyone has preached on it until the cows have come home. Many students will excel if they manage their time properly. When you consider under responsibilities it will not be easy. Obtaining your education at any level rarely is something that is all that easy.

Five qualities of successful students, but this article merely just scratched the surface. There are other qualities. With these five qualities, a student will not only have a solid and steady foundation for their education. A solid and steady foundation will be created for life.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Taking Notes in School

Many students groan at the prospect of taking notes and dread the very activity. A good reason exists for this fact, as note taking can be a very intimidating activity. Given many students are unable to take notes. Schools tend to sometimes expect students to know how to take notes. Unfortunately, valuable time and resources are not wasted on this essential concept. So what is a student to do? How are they supposed to take notes?

How Should Students Take Notes?

Obviously, the medium of your note taking is rather important. Some classrooms will allow students to bring laptops. Said rules will vary from teacher to teacher. So be certain to check, because a laptop may be confiscated and may not be returned. Otherwise, the old fashion approach of a notebook and pen or pencil will have to do.

Teachers will have their own style of lectures. Some educations may write on the black board or white board. Other educators put only bullet points. Other teachers yet will not even use the black board. Some may put notes up on a projector. Others will just talk for a half of an hour or more and can ramble on at points.

The key for note taking is to pick out the important points of what the teacher is saying. Transcribing the entire lecture will be impossible and likely rather stressful as well. It is a good key to pick up a certain key terms. Supplement said notes with more notes from any assigned reading your teacher may give you during that day. It is all about getting valuable information to study for finals.

A word to the wise, notes will help the student recall information in the lecture better. However, one must also pay attention. If anyone gets too far behind in their note taking, it may be a sign there are too many notes being taken. There are ways where too few notes will be taken. A happy medium should be found when the important points of a classroom lecture are written down.

Notes will help. It may be hard to find a proper medium first but it will be worth the effort. Trial and error is required, but note taking is something that should be done by each student. Everyone will have their own style when doing this activity. Work with what is best for you and your learning habits, as you will gain the best classroom experience.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sports Drinks Debate in School

One of the biggest hot button topics in the world in 2012 is the dietary actions of children. Of course, why it took people until 2012 to realize some kind of issue was present, that is up for debate. Regardless, many instances exist where people are standing up. One of the drinks people will heavily debate on is sports drinks. Sports drinks do have a great amount of sugar in them and can be a health concern for sure. Are they completely bad?

Sports Drinks Debated in Schools

Well, a particular question should be hinged on the particular sports drink. The problem with anything, is the problem does not come from use but rather overuse. There are some nasty sports drinks if you really get to look at them. Moderately healthy sports drinks do in fact exist, but overindulgence is the key.

In many ways, even the healthiest of foods can have problems if a person eats them too often. The body can go through strange changes with anything. Back to the matter at hand, as sports drinks present a potential problem. The nexus of this problem is in the United States Educational system. Where the government is trying to interfere in?

Here is the problem about government intervention in schools. Intervention by the government really is something that can go rather bad, rather quickly. The sports drinks and sugary snacks debate is an interesting one. Schools make plenty of money and this little health initiative is going to do more harm than good.

There is a point where schools should not make these elements easily accessible. However, given the strained budgets, one could draw a reason why schools would allow such a thing. The high amount of sugar is something that has caused alarm bells but the alarm bells are too late and damage has been done.

Then again, one could argue how much the government truly cares about us. Or if this is just another publicity stunt.

Monday, August 6, 2012

How to Avoid Plagarism

Plagiarism is a rather hot button issue in the Educational System. For years, many students have gotten rather lazy with their homework. Some of them think that they will be able to blatantly copy the work of others. Some students even arrogantly assume they will be able to get away with something as blatant as turning in an exact copy. Yet each and every time, students will get busted.

In this day and age, it is nearly impossible for a student to get away with plagiarism. Online websites can cross reference words and a certain percentage of similar content may raise alarm bells. This factor will prompt teachers to look into work.

Now let us discuss plagiarism just a bit more.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Back to School Soon

Summer is nearly over and it nearly means back to school time. No doubt many people will be rather excited by the prospect of returning to school. While other people will kind of dread it. 

Regardless of whether or not they look forward to the back to school days or dread it, it is something that is just around the corner no matter what you think about. August might have barely started but given some schools start earlier, you should really get ready to return.

The Types of Teachers

What is an education without teachers. As it turns out, the education is really not all that much. However, the wrong teachers can really lead to a bad education. If a teacher does not find the right measure, they will lose students. Only a select few students will be able to rise above poor teaching or too strict teaching. If the teacher does not register, then the class is rather lost a lot of the time.

What Types of Teachers Are There

Friday, August 3, 2012

How Strict Education Can Mess Up Children for Life

The educational process is an extremely essential one. As we know, knowledge tends to be power. Therefore, if you correlate that with education, you really do have the power to change the world. Naturally there are some people who would prefer the world to be what it is. Therefore, they adhear to strict ideals and ideas.

Obviously, there is a need for some guidelines. Still there should be some flexibility allowed to build for a better world. A strict and almost military educational environment might get children to obey. Perhaps a little too good.

How does a strict education go wrong? How does it warp even the brightest young minds? How much of education could be considered brainwashing or pre-conditioning to work in a never ending cycle of corporate greed?

While it could be up for debate whether or not there is some kind of Illuminati like force, pulling the strings a lot of the time, there could be some convincing evidence. While it is true that there seems to be a rather interesting cycle of greed going all throughout time.

Leaving no room for creative thoughts or ideas kind of beats all of the ambition of people. They settle for less, when they could have more. Yet, they feel that the world is narrow minded place.

Compromise is essential to have the peace. Yet, there seems to be much profit in war. Therefore, strict schools cause people to really be stubborn. The ideas may be different but the stubbornness continues. Many of the fights involved in the arenas of religion, politics, business, and science. The inability to compromise and show patience for the opinions of others often lead down a very bad place.

Standing up to a bully is something that for many years is looked upon as badly. Granted, recent new studies in the long term affects of bullying on children. Obviously the cycle of abuse can be great and long lasting. Still children are told that any attempt to fight back means that they are just as bad as them. Bullies only channel you as an outlet, because they think you're scared. Of course, those bullied tend to be bred through familiar environments.

There may also be elements where people are conditioned to believe anyone who has a differing opinion must be wrong. They have some kind of mental illness. Those individuals are completely around the twist so to speak. It causes people to blindly fall in line and accept what the government gives them.

Also any new ideas being snuffed out will cause ambition to really be burdened and be unable to think on their two feet. They need a security, so they got sucked into the world of corporate zombies. Where all ambition goes to die and conformity is the rule the day.  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Does Facebook Distract from Studies

Facebook one of the most popular social networks on the planet. There are instances where many people can really get the impression that if you are not on Facebook, you are really not on the pulse of society. Despite its popularity, the social network does have its share of criticisms and as with any criticisms, there are points to be made for that fact. One of those huge criticisms is how much time people spend a bit too much time for their own good.

Sadly it is a truth we must reveal. Facebook addiction is very real and people do need their fix of social media. Or at least they have got it right in their head that they need their social media fix. Unfortunately, that also means high school and college students are going to spend a great deal of time on Facebook. Even if it is at the decline of schoolwork.

There are many young people neglecting their studies. The reason is that they cannot pull themselves away from the Facebook for too long. Their friends are on Facebook, their families are on Facebook, everyone is on Facebook. The games are rather addicting, just goofing around with friends, both from real life and online, is something that is rather endearing. That algebra assignment might not do itself but it is not as great as Facebook.

Unfortunately, when young people spend too much time procrastinating in such a manner, there grades suffer and thus they really neglect their purpose.