Going through your entire college
career, four years, maybe slightly less, maybe slightly more, working
hard for the diploma right in your hand. You have earned it, you have
finally arrived, it was a long hard road to the top but you fought.
You excelled in all of your classes to the best of your abilities.
You look at your life after college and all you see right in front of
you is a crippling amount of debt to be paid from the student loans
that you had no choice to take out to get this education to better
your life.
This is the inevitable result of many
college educations in recent years and with student loan debt
raising, many students feel trapped. The diploma in your hand, means
not as much in the real world, where you are not the only one
struggling to find a job. Those who have worked much longer than you
are out of the work and have the experience. You must find a job to
pay off your student loans, as the interest keeps piling up.
The Loan Bubble Escalates With Many
Students Feeling the Pain.
Debt is a demon that plagues many.
Those who work hard and keep pressing, may manage to slay it. The
ones that are rather fortunate to be in the right place, at the right
time. Others will be for ever scrapping by, plagued by student loans
for years and years, perhaps even decades.
What really gets students who take out
loans in the end? There are many things that really cause students to
fall right in the sadistic cycle of debt. For one, these students are
going to rarely look into what they are truly getting into. It is a
sad practice, but many sign onto and agree to the loan agreement but
rarely look into what they are doing. What conditions that could
swell the debt to insane levels? What the interest levels are?
In some way, many would feel sorry for
them but in another way, these students have no one but themselves to
blame for this.
Speaking of the interest levels, that
is what truly annihilates most students in the end. The actual bills
for the loan are nothing to sneeze at, but paying interest on a
student loan, that is the top reason why debts spiral out of control.
Students see that they don't have to pay for six months after
graduation, so they smile and as they smile, the interest rates
continue to tack more debt onto the back end.
They are not smiling for much longer.
The price of high education can be a
harsh one and one that will continue its escalation. Is there any
solution? No, as many students scarily find out. There is never a
moment of peace once you are in debt, as every moment of your life is
a never ending battle to scrap by just a few more dollars, just to
pay the bills. You are forever racing the interest rates and it is a
race against time in a number of ways.
This harsh reality may be the
inevitable fate of many students who have just or are about to
complete their college education. The diploma is only part of the
legacy of a student. The other, potentially larger part is the big
bill that they have to pay.
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