Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cheating on School Exams

Millions of students take exams each and every year in the school system. A fraction of those students decide that the best thing to do would be to cheat as they take those exams. There methods are varying and beyond the scope of this article. Yet a creative mind will be able to think of some good methods to attempt to get an individual a leg up. Cheating is something that is not uncommon in school and thus it becomes a problem.

Why do students decide to cheat? The reasons for this are rather many. Obviously laziness may be one that is the most common. It is the most often cited, the fact which students just do not feel the need to study. Therefore, they decide to find shortcuts in their examinations and their studies.

Another reason is that the subject is something that they do not excel in. There is a certain amount of shame that many students have(as wrong as it is), asking for help on their studies. Call it being afraid of being looked down upon for being not as intelligent or being rather stubborn. Regardless, they won't ask for the help and they think that something will click when it comes to exams. Naturally it does not.

Those type of students are those who get pressured into getting good grades. The pressure parents put on their children to excel can delve right into the area of insanity sometimes. The parents do mean rather well more often than not. However, pressuring your children can lead to very negative consequences, as they may decide to take drastic actions to pass the exam.

Another reason is just because they can. A very unfortunate side effect is when other people cheat in their exams, a seed of the idea is planted right in the head of a student. Their education is something that can be done by not being smarter, by not studying, but by being rather sneaky and devious. It is not about understanding the material, rather it is because of manipulating the circumstances in a favor manner.

On a related note, there is just some kind of rush that many people feel. Half of the reason why people do commit crimes out in the world, is because of the adrenaline that they feel. In many ways, it is a vice, just like another other addiction. A reasonable mind would state that addiction would take center stage right between the school yards.

In the end, students cheat on their exams. While it would be easy to say that you should not cheat because it is wrong, it is a rather simplistic way of looking at cheating on examinations. Yes, it would be doing yourself a disservice, but who is to say that the person that you might be cheating off of is going to have all of the right answers.

If one does copy answers, you never know if those answers are right. Cheating has been circumvented in many ways, by different exams given to different students. Sometimes as many as four or five exams. Where only half of the class in alternate desks take the exams one day while the other half reads in silence. Where the teacher purposely leaves an exam guide with the incorrect answers where those who wish to cheat out.

Any number of ways are utilized by school administrations to circumvent cheating by students. Yet, in the end, there is still an extremely long way to go before that particular aspect of education is put to bed.

There is no foolproof method to stop cheating, as some students who wish to do it are far from fools. If only they had put half as much time in studying, then this problem would not have been vast.

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